How To Prepare For a Bed Bug Heat Treatment: A Complete Guide

Posted by Michael Ferkiss on

How To Prepare For a Bed Bug Heat Treatment

Properly preparing for a bed bug heat treatment is crucial to ensure the process is effective and your belongings are protected and heat reaches and eradicates the bed bugs. Heat treatments are one of the most efficient ways to eradicate bed bugs, but preparation plays a significant role in achieving the best results.

1. Declutter Your Space

Begin by reducing clutter in the areas being treated. Bed bugs love to hide in tight spaces, and excess items can create more hiding spots. Remove unnecessary belongings, especially around sleeping areas. However, avoid moving items from room to room to prevent spreading bed bugs to other parts of the home.

2. Wash and Seal Bedding and Clothing

Wash all your bedding, linens, and clothing in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting for at least 30 minutes. Heat kills bed bugs, so this is an essential step. After cleaning, store these items in sealed plastic bags or containers to prevent re-infestation. Keep them away from the areas being treated until the process is complete.

3. Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuuming helps remove visible bed bugs, their eggs, and debris from your furniture, mattress, and carpets. Focus on cracks, crevices, and hard-to-reach areas where bed bugs often hide. After vacuuming, immediately dispose of the vacuum bag outside or empty the canister into a sealed plastic bag.

4. Relocate Sensitive Items

Heat treatment temperatures can reach up to 140°F, which can damage sensitive items. Remove items such as:

  • Certain electronics like touch screen laptops, phones, iPads, etc. 
  • Aerosol cans, live Ammunition and Fireworks
  • Candles, crayons and other meltable items like chocolate, cosmetics
  • Artwork or framed photos
  • Vinyl records
  • Musical instruments
  • Prescription and other meds can be placed in refrigerator

Place these items in a safe area that will not be part of the treatment or consult with the pest control company or heat equipment manufacturer to see if they have specific guidelines for such belongings.

5. Unplug Electronics

Before the heat treatment, unplug any electronics or appliances in the rooms being treated. This includes computers, televisions, fans, and other electrical devices. Make sure cables and wires are out of the way to prevent damage.

6. Open All Drawers and Closets

To allow heat to penetrate all areas, open up all drawers, cabinets, closets, and doors in the treatment area. Bed bugs are experts at hiding in tight spaces, so it's important that every corner is exposed to the heat. HANGING CLOTHES IN CLOSETS MUST BE SEPARATED TO ALLOW THE HEAT TO PENETRATE. Spread overflow hanging clothes on beds, floor and over other furniture until heat treatment is complete and return to closet.

7. Remove Plants and Pets

The high temperatures associated with bed bug heat treatments can harm both plants and pets. Relocate them to a safe area outside the home until the treatment is finished and the temperature returns to normal. Make sure any aquariums, terrariums, or pet enclosures are also moved out of the treatment zone.

8. Consult with Your Pest Control Company

Every home and infestation is different. It's important to follow the specific guidelines provided by your pest control company or equipment provider. They may have additional instructions based on your situation, and closely adhering to them will ensure the treatment is effective.

What to Expect After Treatment

After the heat treatment is completed, the exterminators will likely recommend a follow-up inspection to ensure that the bed bugs have been fully eradicated. You can re-enter your home once the temperature has returned to a normal level, and you’ll want to continue monitoring for any signs of bed bug activity over the next few weeks.

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